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Your views on the South Woodford Mobility Hub contributions

Some people making comments


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over 1 year ago


How did you first become aware of the Hub?

Saw it passing by

What is your connection to the area?

• I live here

How do you most often access George Lane?


Looking at the before-and-after images above, what are the three first words this makes you think of?

Walkable, green, friendly

How do you feel about the Mobility Hub?


What do you think about how the Mobility Hub looks?

Lovely! I like the design with wood and colours

Have you used/visited the Mobility Hub?

Yes, I have spent some time there

What difference do you think the Mobility Hub has made/could make to your everyday life?

I like to sit outside in the sun with my friends when we get lunch together once a week

How inclusive do you feel the Mobility Hub is to different kinds of people?

I think it’s quite inclusive because there’s different chair heights and space for wheelchairs but I don’t have any accessibility requirements so I’m not an authority!

What issues are most important to you, when thinking of the Mobility Hub? (select the 3 most important)

• Quality of walking routes

• Having outdoor seating

• Attractiveness of George Lane

Why are these issues important to you?

I think that having green, attractive spaces gets people more active, healthy, and happy!

Tell us about a time that you used, or saw someone else use, the Mobility Hub:

I see families sitting there all the time to take a break when walking/shopping

How often do you use the Mobility Hub?

3-4 times a week

How have you used the Mobility Hub?

• To sit down/relax/rest

• To meet friends/family

• To drink/eat something

Have you used the Mobility Hub to change from one way of travelling to another?

• No, I just walk to and from the Hub

Are you more likely to use a car club vehicle that you can access at the Mobility Hub, compared to other on-street car club bays?

Makes no difference

What do you think is the most important feature of the Mobility Hub? (hold and drag options, to sort in order of importance)

  1. Proximity to local shops

  2. Location on the high street

  3. Proximity to public transport options

  4. Proximity to my house/workplace

  5. Combination of cycle parking and seating

  6. That the car club vehicle is electric

  7. Combination of car club access and cycle parking

What would you like to see for the Hub in the future?

Level surface between Mobility Hub floor and the pavement

More inclusive design for people with disabilities and/or mobility impairments

Benches, chairs and tables

More seating

Traffic sign for 20mph speed limit

Less and/or slower traffic passing by the Hub

Trees and plants within the Hub

More greenery

Someone locking a bike to a cycle parking stand that is part of the Hub

More cycle parking

Photo of the Mobility Hub structure from the other side of the street on George Lane

More Mobility Hubs like it in other locations

Any other comments?

Love the hub!

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about 2 years ago


How did you first become aware of the Hub?

Saw it passing by

Looking at the before-and-after images above, what are the three first words this makes you think of?

Inviting, green, improvement

How do you feel about the Mobility Hub?


What do you think about how the Mobility Hub looks?

It's great but the signage is a bit small

Have you used/visited the Mobility Hub?

Yes, I have spent some time there

What issues are most important to you, when thinking of the Mobility Hub? (select the 3 most important)

• Having outdoor seating

• Greneery, trees and plants

How often do you use the Mobility Hub?

Every other month

How have you used the Mobility Hub?

• To drink/eat something

• To sit down/relax/rest

Have you used the Mobility Hub to change from one way of travelling to another?

• No, I just walk to and from the Hub

Are you more likely to use a car club vehicle that you can access at the Mobility Hub, compared to other on-street car club bays?

Makes no difference

What do you think is the most important feature of the Mobility Hub? (hold and drag options, to sort in order of importance)

  1. Proximity to public transport options

  2. Proximity to local shops

  3. Location on the high street

  4. Proximity to my house/workplace

  5. Combination of cycle parking and seating

  6. Combination of car club access and cycle parking

  7. That the car club vehicle is electric

Have you participated in public consultation activities regarding the Hub?

Never, I was not aware of the consultation

What would you like to see for the Hub in the future?

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Mostly negative

about 2 years ago


How did you first become aware of the Hub?

Social media

What is your connection to the area?

• I visit businesses here (shops, etc)

• I pass through, but rarely stop

How do you most often access George Lane?


Looking at the before-and-after images above, what are the three first words this makes you think of?

No parking

How do you feel about the Mobility Hub?

Mostly negative

What do you think about how the Mobility Hub looks?

Looks ok but thats wherw it ebds

Have you used/visited the Mobility Hub?

No, I have never/only passed by

If you have not used the Mobility Hub, please tell us why:

Because I drive and parking is too limited. Im not going to spend money to travel on public transpoet to get there when I pay to have a car too

What difference do you think the Mobility Hub has made/could make to your everyday life?

Stop me going to area at all. Only very local resident's with mobility will use, severly doubt enough custom to support the businesses there

How inclusive do you feel the Mobility Hub is to different kinds of people?

Extremely exclusive to those physically able to walk or cycle there who dont intend to get much shopping. Or those able to afford public transport or cabs.

What issues are most important to you, when thinking of the Mobility Hub? (select the 3 most important)

• Supporting local businesses

• Parking spaces for vehicles

• Greneery, trees and plants

Why are these issues important to you?

Its area I like to eat out with family but for us to all pay public to get on a train as no where to park its far too expensive added to cost of eating once there. Added to extra time to get there. Will mean family will go elsewhere.

Tell us about a time that you used, or saw someone else use, the Mobility Hub:

Havent, we avoid it now. Parking was limited before, now its worse.

Are you more likely to use a car club vehicle that you can access at the Mobility Hub, compared to other on-street car club bays?

No, less likely

In the Council's statement shown above, it says the Hub is "experimental". What do you think this means?

It means they are going to do it anyway as they never listen to residents, they only ask opinions so they can say they asked but results of consultations are witheld and they do what they want anyway

What do you think about the Hub implementation process, either based on the Council’s statement above, or based on your experience of the process?

That they have no intention of paying attention to residents of the Borough

To what extent do you feel that you've been able to make your voice heard, during the Hub implementation process?


Why do you feel this? (question above)

Because Council just do what they want. Happens all over the borough despite residents groups opposing or petitions. They block people from asking questions at what were "public" meetings.

What other suggestions do you have, including things not pictured above?

People with mobility issues need to be able to drive. That includes the elderly. my mum is 75 now and wont go anywherw unless assured she can drive and park nearby. Those that can use this area is being restricted. Lets just hope the businesses survive. All nice in good weather but this is the UK.

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about 2 years ago


How did you first become aware of the Hub?

Saw it passing by

What is your connection to the area?

• I live here

How do you most often access George Lane?


In the Council's statement shown above, it says the Hub is "experimental". What do you think this means?

Not permanent

What do you think about the Hub implementation process, either based on the Council’s statement above, or based on your experience of the process?

Passed my by

To what extent do you feel that you've been able to make your voice heard, during the Hub implementation process?


Why do you feel this? (question above)

Didn't know this was planned, did see anything about the consultation, thought the seating was linked to the cafe

What would you like to see for the Hub in the future?

Any other comments?

I didn't realize it was open to anyone but I like it in principle. How nice to have somewhere to sit, catch your breath, and carry on your journey

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about 2 years ago


How did you first become aware of the Hub?

Saw it passing by

What is your connection to the area?

• I live here

How do you most often access George Lane?


How do you feel about the Mobility Hub?


What do you think about how the Mobility Hub looks?

It looks inviting.

Have you used/visited the Mobility Hub?

Yes, I have spent some time there

What issues are most important to you, when thinking of the Mobility Hub? (select the 3 most important)

• Having outdoor seating

• Attractiveness of George Lane

• Safety of moving around local streets

Why are these issues important to you?

South Woodford has lots of traffic and street parking. It feels as though the traffic gets priority over pedestrians.

Tell us about a time that you used, or saw someone else use, the Mobility Hub:

A group of us had been looking after the flower beds in George Lane and we bought coffee and relaxed in the hub.

How often do you use the Mobility Hub?

Every few weeks

How have you used the Mobility Hub?

• To sit down/relax/rest

• To drink/eat something

Have you used the Mobility Hub to change from one way of travelling to another?

• No, I just walk to and from the Hub

Are you more likely to use a car club vehicle that you can access at the Mobility Hub, compared to other on-street car club bays?

Makes no difference

What do you think is the most important feature of the Mobility Hub? (hold and drag options, to sort in order of importance)

  1. Location on the high street

  2. Proximity to local shops

  3. Proximity to my house/workplace

  4. Proximity to public transport options

  5. Combination of cycle parking and seating

  6. Combination of car club access and cycle parking

  7. That the car club vehicle is electric

In the Council's statement shown above, it says the Hub is "experimental". What do you think this means?

It means they have the opportunity to review how it works.

Have you participated in public consultation activities regarding the Hub?

Never, I was not aware of the consultation

To what extent do you feel that you've been able to make your voice heard, during the Hub implementation process?


Why do you feel this? (question above)

I wasn’t aware.

What would you like to see for the Hub in the future?

What other suggestions do you have, including things not pictured above?

I think we should extend the hub to the end of the road and reduce the on-street parking. There are plenty of parking options in the area and no need for so much street parking.

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